スラング英語 “Thank you, Captain Obvious!” の意味わかりますか?
今日は “Captain obvious” の意味と使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!
“Captain obvious” の意味とは
※ obvious は 「明らかな」「明白な」の意
…( ゚д゚)ハッ!「ありがとうございます!当たり前田の前田隊長!!」とかどう?
Captain Obvious
A person who makes a statement or statements of such obvious meaning or implication as to be entirely redundant, superfluous, or unnecessary
Captain Obvious
(humorous, usually derogatory, sarcastic) Someone who makes superfluous statements.
Did you know that the capital of the USA is Washington, D.C., not New York City?
Wow! You don’t say! Thanks, Captain Obvious!
If you wanna lose weight, you should diet.
Wow. Thank you, Captain Obvious!
I had a fever and was feeling sick so I decided to go to the doctor but it was a huge mistake.
Why? What happened?
The clinic was so crowded that I had to wait like forever.
Yeah. That happens a lot here in Japan.
Well, I finally got to see the doctor and you know what he said?
He was like, “It’s a cold. Drink a lot of water and get enough rest.”
I mean, “Thanks, Captain Obvious!”.
皮肉っぽくいうのがポイントだけど、嫌われないようにほどほどに使ってください 笑
それでは、【【スラング英語】”Thank you, Captain Obvious.” の意味とは?アメリカ人が解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!