“I’m low-key jealous.”
本記事ではスラング英語 “low-key(lowkey)” の意味と使い方をまとめます。

スラング英語 low-key(lowkey) の意味とは

“low-key(lowkey)” はもともと「控えめな」「ささやかな・派手でない」という意味の形容詞(adjective) でした。
not intended to attract a lot of attention to an event, subject, or thing

たとえば “I‘m low-key jealous.” であれば、「地味に羨ましい」「ひそかに羨ましく思ってる」「若干羨ましい」というような意味になります。
「 それほど真剣ではないけど」+「 大きな声では言えないけど」みたいなイメージです。
The slang variant of low-key (often written without the hyphen as lowkey) functions as an adverb. Lowkey is typically used to describe a speaker’s desires or emotions. Lowkey retains the dictionary definition’s meaning of “of low intensity” and “not very emotional.” However, additionally, it can also indicate something that is secretly (perhaps somewhat shamefully) wanted or felt by the speaker.
In short, lowkey is used to describe a speaker’s thoughts, feelings, and desires, and it means:
1: moderately: of low emotional intensity
2: secretly
Lowkey is sort of like a secret truth. While everyone is raving about something, you actually secretly hate whatever it is that is popular. In older terms, it’s like keeping something on the “down low” — or “DL” if you’re REALLY cool.
引用元:Your Tango : The Definition Of ‘Lowkey’ And The 20 Best Lowkey Memes And Quotes
発音付き例文で low-key の意味と使い方を確認!
形容詞のlow-key : 控えめな
We are just thinking of a low-key ceremony with some friends and family.
Nick is a low-key, calm kind of guy.
スラング副詞の “low-key”
Karen is off sick? I’m lowkey jealous.
I am low-key glad that the drinking party got cancelled. Now I can just chill out at home, you know?
Emily was one of the lame girls at school, but I low-key had a crush on her.
I lowkey want to leave this party.
You, too? Okay, let’s bail.
It’s a real bummer the restaurant is going out of business. Remember we would go there when we were broke?
Yeah. I know it’s a crappy joint, but I low-key liked the greasy burgers there. I’m gonna miss it.
“joint” はスラングで「(安っぽい)レストランやバー」を意味します。
INFORMAL a bar or restaurant that serves food and drink at low prices:
おまけ:high-key の意味

“low-key” の反対の意味を持つ “high-key” というスラングもあります。
I’m low-key into Drake, but high-key am not gonna let him know that.
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “low-key(lowkey)” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!