“I have a crush on him.”
本記事では好きな人・片思いの相手に使える英語表現 “crush” の意味と使い方をまとめますよ!

crush の意味とは

“crush” は 「片想いの気持ち」や「片想い中の相手」のことをいいます。
例えば ” I have a crush on (someone)” で「○○に気がある」という意味になります。
また “my crush” で「私が気になっている人」という意味になります。
“crush” は通常、「現段階ではそこまで関係の深くない、よく知らない相手に対する好意・恋心」で、あくまで一時的で表面的な恋愛感情といったイメージがあります。
また “celebrity crush”(好きな芸能人) や “teacher crush”(好きな先生) のように、発展する見込みがまずないような淡い恋心に使うことも多いです。
crush noun (ATTRACTION)
a strong but temporary attraction for someone:
crush on somebody
to have a feeling of romantic love for someone, especially someone you do not know well
発音付き例文で crush の意味と使い方を確認!
Emily was one of the lame girls at school, but I low-key had a crush on her.
Wow. So you’re telling me you tripped and then spilled your drink on your crush? Heh. Way to go, man. (sarcasm)
I think Joshua has a crush on Emma.
I was thinking the same thing, but he’ll have his work cut out for him. I’m pretty sure she‘s into Logan.
My crush totally put me in the friend zone! He asked me if my sister was dating someone.
(片思いの人にフレンドゾーンされちゃった! うちの妹が誰かと付き合ってるかーだって)
Oh, man! That sucks!
I was trying to be cool in front of my crush, but I tripped and embarrassed myself instead.
Haha. Sounds like you nailed it, huh.
(はは、やっちゃったね(大失敗だね)) *皮肉の “You nailed it.”
Hey, guess what?
My crush asked me out today! I’m completely over the moon!
That’s awesome! I wish you guys the best of luck!
Who’s your celebrity crush?
That’d be Norman Reedus.
Who is that again?
He is Daryl Dixon from “The Walking Dead.”
Oh, yeah! The guy with the crossbow, right? He’s such a badass!
man crush / girl crush の意味とは

「同性のあこがれの対象」を “man crush” あるいは “girl crush” ともいいます。
man crush
a. an intense but non-sexual admiration felt by one man for another
b. a man who is the object of such admiration
girl crush
A girl crush is a non-sexual, non-romantic admiration that one woman has for another.
Do you have a man crush?
Yeah. It’s Ken Watanabe. He’s a legit badass.
I have a girl crush on fellow Kentuckian, Jennifer Lawrence.
Oh, my God. So do I! Isn’t she gorgeous?
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “crush” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!