映画やドラマで登場人物が何かに成功したときなんかに、“We made it!” って言ってるの聞いたことないですか?
この “make it” や “made it” って実はいろんな意味があって僕たち非ネイティブには分かりにくいですよね。
そんなわけで今日はネイティブがよく使う “make it” の4つの意味とその使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

make it の基本的な意味

make it
to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, going somewhere, attending an event, arriving in time for something, adding to one’s schedule or itinerary, or in getting where one wants to be in one’s life or career, which sometimes means becoming or wanting to become successful (succeed in a big way) or famous.
make it の意味&使い方①:うまくいく・成功する

前述の通り「成功する」「うまくいく」が “make it”の基本的な意味です。
たとえば “make it in business” といえば、「ビジネスで成功する」という意味になります。
また、なにかやり遂げたときに “I made it!” や “We made it!” といって成功を喜ぶこともあります。
make it
To achieve a goal; be successful
We made it! We finally got first place!
Congratulations! I’m so proud of you, guys!
Guess what? Kerry is going to quit her job and open a restaurant.
For real? A restaurant, huh? I know she is a good cook, but do you think she can make it as a pro?

make it の意味&使い方②:間に合う・到着する

make it
If you make it somewhere, you succeed in getting there, especially in time to do something.
We barely made it to the movie.
I should have started the report earlier! I’m pressed for time! I’m not gonna make it!
Again? You know, you really never learn your lesson.
Hey, Honey. What’s up?
Hi. I’m afraid I can’t make it for 7 p.m. My boss asked me to work overtime. You can start without me.

make it の意味&使い方③:参加できる、都合が付く

“can make it” で、「イベント等に参加できる、都合が付く」という意味になります。
“I can’t make it.” (参加できない・都合が付かない)のように否定文でもよく使います。

make it
If you cannot make it, you are unable to attend an event that you have been invited to.
Can you make it to the night out on Friday?
I can’t make it to dinner that day. I have the night shift.
Geez. I’m so hungover. I don’t think I can make it to work. I’ll probably call in sick.
I can’t make it to dinner tonight. My baby seems to have a fever. Rain check?
Oh, of course! I hope Ethan gets better soon!
Hey, I’m drinking with Peter. Come join us!
Nah. I can’t make it.
Why not? Come on, you are gonna have a great time.
I’m feeling a bit under the weather. I think I’m coming down with something.
Oh, okay. There is always next time. Take care.

make it の意味&使い方④:克服する・乗り越える

“make it” は、「逆境や病気など、つらい出来事や時期を乗り切る、克服する」「生き延びる」というときにも使います。
make it
survive after an illness, accident, etc:
make it
If you make it, you are successful in achieving something difficult, or in surviving through a very difficult period.
My grandma was in a serious car accident and she didn’t make it.
I can’t believe it’s still Tuesday. I’m not gonna make it.
A lot of people are out with colds. I’m not sure we’re gonna make it with our reduced numbers today.
I’m not gonna make it.
Come on! The game is not over yet. Never give up!