「電波が悪い」「電波がない」の英語表現①:The signal is weak.

countable noun
A signal is a series of radio waves, light waves, or changes in electrical current which may carry information.

“signal” は可算名詞(countable noun) なんだね。
The signal is pretty bad in Yosemite Valley, so you might wanna rent a GPS so that you don’t get lost.
I see. You can’t be too safe, huh?
Where have you been? You could have at least texted me!
Sorry. I was in the basement and we had no signal there.

「電波が悪い」「電波がない」の英語表現②:bad reception

signal と似た言葉に “reception” があります。
uncountable noun
If you get good reception from your mobile phone, radio, or television, the sound or picture is clear because the signal is strong. If the reception is poor, the sound or picture is unclear because the signal is weak.

signal は可算名詞だけど、”reception” は不可算名詞(uncountable noun)なんだね。
Dang. The reception is terrible here. None of my calls are going through.
Did our wifi die? The internet is not working.
(Wifi の電池切れちゃった?インターネット使えないんだけど)
No. It’s just that the we’ve got no reception in this building.

「電波が悪い」「電波がない」の英語表現③:break up

声が途切れ途切れになることを英語では “break up”といいます。
break up
If someone who is talking on a mobile phone is breaking up, their voice can no longer be heard clearly.
Sorry I can’t hear you very well. You’re breaking up. What did you say?
Can you set the rice cooker? I’ll be ….mm…..n…ar.
What? You’re are breaking up. Can you say it again?
I said I ….m…….ar.
Man. Seems like you have a really bad signal. I will hang out and text you, okay?


可算名詞か不可算名詞かってめんどくさいことこの上ないですよね :(
たぶん考えても仕方ないので、何度も例文を口に出して覚えちゃいましょう 笑
Have a good one!
おまけ:今日の “bloopers”
携帯電話の電波のことを英語では “signal” といいます。
「電波が悪い」は The signal is weak[bad] / I have a bad signal. といったり、
「電波がない」 は There is no signal. / I have no signal. といったりします。