Good call.
本記事では good call や bad call の意味と使い方をまとめます。

good call / bad call の意味とは?

good call は「良い判断・選択」という意味の英語表現です。
Choosing this restaurant was a good call.
逆に bad call は 「誤った判断・選択」という意味になります。
この call はもともと「スポーツにおける審判の判断・判定」という意味でしたが、今はスポーツに限らず、日常のあらゆる判断や選択について使います。
good call (or bad call)
used to express approval (or criticism) of a person’s decision or suggestion.
Originally good call or bad call referred to decisions made by referees or umpires in a sports match.
発音付き例文で good call / bad call の意味と使い方を確認!
Choosing this restaurant was a good call. Everything is so good here.
Good call coming home early. It’s just started coming down.
My belly is acting up. Eating a week old curry might have been a bad call.
Look at the long line. Good thing we got the tickets in advance.
Yeah, good call, Amelia.
You tried to get in the most popular restaurant on Valentine’s without a reservation?
I realize in hindsight that was a bad call on my part…
No kidding. Was your girlfriend furious?
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 good call や bad callの意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!