“Can I take a rain check?”
今日は イディオム “rain check” の意味と使い方、由来・語源をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

イディオム “rain check” の意味とは

“Can I take a rain check?” は、「遊びに誘われたけど、都合がつかないとき」に使える便利な表現だよ。
take a rain check (on sth)
used to tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time:
rain check
(idiomatic) In social interactions, a polite way to turn down an invitation, with the implication one is simply postponing it and that another time would be acceptable.

これって必ず “take a rain check” なの?
“get a rain check” とか、”have a rain check” とかは言わない?

一番自然なのは “take a rain check” だね。
“get a rain check” は言う人もいるから許容範囲だけど、”have a rain check” とは言わないね。
シンプルに “Rain check?” って一言で言うこともできるよ!
それと、”Can I take a rain check?” は、「本当は行きたいけど今回は都合が悪い」って意味で、日本語の形だけの「また今度ね」よりちょっと本気度が上がるイメージだから連発は禁物ね 笑


イディオム “rain check” の由来・語源とは


rain check
A rain check is a free ticket that is given to people when an outdoor game or event is stopped because of rain or bad weather, so that they can go to it when it is held again.
Originally, a rain check was a ticket given to people who went to an event that was canceled because of rain. The rain check would get you in to another game in the future. These days, a rain check usually has to do with rescheduling. If you’re sick but have plans to hang out with a friend, you could ask for a rain check. This is a nice way of saying, “I can’t do this now, but I will later.”


Sorry, I’m busy today. Can I take a rain check?
I can’t make it to dinner tonight. My baby seems to have a fever. Rain check?
Oh, of course! I hope Ethan gets better soon!
Hey, are we still up for drinks this Friday?
Ah, you know what? Can I take a rain check? My parents decided to come visit out of the blue.
Hey…Can I take a rain check on the movie this weekend? Something suddenly came up.
Oh, man. That’s a shame.
I know. I’m sorry.
It’s all right. Hey! Let’s hang out some other time.
Hey, Autumn. This is Erin.
Hey, Erin. What’s up?
Actually, I’m not feeling very well today, so I don’t think I can make it tonight. Rain check?
That’s too bad. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks. See you soon.

それでは、【Take a rain check の意味とは?由来・語源は?アメリカ人が解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!