“Of course.”
本記事では “of course” の意味と使い方、発音法をまとめます。

of course の発音

まずはじめに “of course” の発音を確認しましょう。
“of course” の発音は /əv ˈkoə(ɹ)s/ です。
あえてカタカナにすると 「オヴコース」です。
【of course の発音】
of course /əv ˈkoə(ɹ)s/
of courseの意味と使い方
of course の意味①:もちろんいいですよ

“of course” は 誰かに許可を求められたときに「もちろんいいですよ」と承認するときに使います。
of course
used to say yes or to give someone permission to do something:
May I use your bathroom?
Of course. It’s down the hall and to the left.
Excuse me, is it okay to try on these items?
Of course. Let me unlock the dressing room for you.
I can’t make it to dinner tonight. My baby seems to have a fever. Rain check?
Oh, of course! I hope Ethan gets better soon!
of course の意味②:もちろん~だ、当然~だ

“of course” は「当然のことながら~だ」「もちろん~だ」という意味でも使います。
of course
You say of course to suggest that something is normal, obvious, or well-known, and should therefore not surprise the person you are talking to.
引用元:Of course definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
He got mad at me, of course.
Of course, she’ll win. She was last year’s world champion.
You got the tickets, right?
Of course I did.
Nick just called. He said he was running late.
(Nick から今電話があったんだけど、遅れてるんだってさ)
Ugh, of course he is.
of course not の意味と使い方

“of course not” の意味と使い方もあわせて覚えておくと便利です。
“of course not” は “of course” の否定の形で「もちろん違うよ」「もちろんダメだよ」という意味になります。
You didn’t tell him about my surprise, did you?
Of course not.
I’ve got too much on my plate right now. Do you think it’d be okay if I just change a few words and hand in my brother’s old essay?
Of course not. You’ll get in trouble.
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “of course” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!