今日は「風邪やインフルエンザが流行っている」と言いたいときに便利な英語表現 “go around” の意味と使い方を解説します。

「風邪・インフルエンザが流行っている」の英語表現:go around

” be in fashion” とかじゃないよね?

“be in fashion” は病気が流行ってるときは使わないよ (;´・ω・)
風邪やインフルエンザなどの感染症が流行っているときは動詞の “go around” を使うといいね。
例えば、“The flu is going around.” で「インフルエンザが流行している」っていう意味になるよ。
go around
if something such as an illness or a piece of news is going around, people are giving or telling it to each other
go around
if an illness is going around, a lot of people get it


それと、 “go around” は病気だけでなく、うわさやニュースが広まっているときにも使えるからこれも覚えておいて!

音声付き例文で”go around”の意味と使い方を確認しよう!
There’s something going around at the office. Everybody is getting sick.
A lot of people are out with colds. I’m not sure we’re gonna make it with our reduced numbers today.
The flu is going around at work.
Looks like there is a bad stomach bug going around. Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer when you get home.
There is a rumor going around that you and Monica are dating. Is that true?
ちなみに “stomach bug” とは「ウイルス性の胃腸炎」の俗称です。
“bug” には、「虫」意外に「ばい菌・ウイルス」という意味があります。
stomach bug
(informal) Something, such as a germ, that causes intestinal distress (particularly vomiting).
INFORMAL an illness that is usually not serious and is caused by bacteria or a virus

Alex called in sick. We’re short-staffed and I was asked to work overtime by the boss.
That’s too bad. I think something might be going around the office.
Yeah, maybe. I swear I’m gonna sue the company if they keep asking me to work overtime like this.
John just went home sick.
Oh, no. I hope it isn’t the flu that’s been going around.
We should be careful, too. Did you get a flu shot?
「インフルエンザの予防接種」は “flu shot” といいます。
“shot” は「注射」という意味です。
Ugh…my stomach hurts. I feel like I am coming down with something.
Oh, no. Are you okay? It seems like a stomach bug has been going around since last week. Some of my co-workers have been sick, too. Maybe you should go to the doctor?
Chloe, I’m sorry but I have to take a rain check for our plans this weekend.
Oh, no. Why? What happened?
There is a nasty cold or something going around at work so some of the staff are out sick. Since we’ll be short-staffed the manager said I have to come in and cover.
Your boss is going to make you bite the bullet? We’ll have to pay a cancelation fee!
I know, I know. But I have no choice. I’m sorry but we’ll just have to grin and bear it.
All right. It can’t be helped, I guess. Don’t push yourself too much though.
Thanks. I won’t.

Have a good one!
おまけ : 今日の “bloopers”
恒例のNG集。暇な人だけ聞いてね 笑