
「サボる」「ズル休み」の英語表現①:call in sick

体調不良で職場や学校をお休みするために連絡することを “call in sick” もしくは “call in” といいます。
実際に体調が悪くてお休みするときはもちろん、仮病であっても “call in (sick)” といいます。

仮病でも使えるのね 笑
“call in” ってことは、電話だけなの?メールとかは?

call in sick
To inform one’s employer that one will be absent due to illness (real or feigned). The phrase originally referred to calling by phone, but can refer to any form of communication (such as email).
Where is Tom?
He is not coming today. He called in.
Hey, Erin! It’s time to get up! It’s 7:30 already!
I don’t feel well. I think I’ll have to call in.
Geez. I’m so hungover. I don’t think I can make it to work. I’ll probably call in sick.
I was supposed to go to school and take a math exam, but I was not ready for it at all. So I called in sick.
For real? You’re helpless.
We are gonna go to Universal Studios this Friday. Wanna tag along?
Sounds great. Let me check my schedule. Oh man! I have to work that day.
Come on! It’s going to be amazing! Just call in!
Alex called in sick. We’re short-staffed and I was asked to work overtime by the boss.
That’s too bad. I think something might be going around the office.
Yeah, maybe. I swear I’m gonna sue the company if they keep asking me to work overtime like this.

“skip” でも「ズル休み」を表現できます。
“skip school” や “skip work” などのように使いますよ。
to not do or not have something that you usually do or that you should do; to avoid:
I was so exhausted that I skipped English class.
I didn’t mean to skip the tennis club but I totally overslept.
I’m home.
Hey, you came home early today.
Yeah, I decided to skip the seminar because it was pouring.

Ugh. I don’t wanna go to work today.
Just skip it! Let’s play video games together!

Have a goo one!