今回は “No way” の意味と使い方をまとめますよ!

日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “No way” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!
“No way” の意味とは?

“No way” は状況や使い方によって意味が変わります。
1. 「ありえない」:否定の “No way”

まず最初に抑えておきたい “No way” の意味は否定の “No way” です。
no way
used to tell someone that something is impossible:
no way
used for saying that you will definitely not do something or that something will definitely not happen
You couldn’t find the file on my desk? No way! I’m sure I put it there before I left the office last night.
A Louis Vuitton wallet for only $20 dollars? No way. It must be a fake.
Jacob, can you unload the washer and fold the clothes for me?
No way, Mom. I did it yesterday. It’s Logan’s turn.
Mom. Can I stay up late tonight?
No way, Jose. Now, brush your teeth and go to bed.
“No way” と同じ意味で “No way Jose(発音はノーウェイ ホゼイ)” ということがあります。
“Jose” 自体に意味はなく、”See you later alligator” のようにただ韻を踏むために加えられたものです。
no way Jose
(colloquial) Absolutely not.
2. 「まじで?」:驚きの “No way”

さっきの否定の意味だけでなく、驚きを表すときにも “No way” を使います。
さっきの否定の”No way” のように聞いた話を信じていないわけではなくて、単純に驚きを表すときの表現です。
No way!
An expression of surprise in response to a positive occurrence, perhaps one that was thought to be unlikely.

Hey, Olivia. You seem pretty chipper. Did something good happen?
You bet something good happened! Get this. I passed the entrance exam to Harvard!
No way! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!
Did you hear? Your sister is pregnant!
No way! That’s great.
It’s about time.
((母としては) やっとか、ってかんじだけどね)
Please let us know when you come to Tokyo. We’d love to have you stay with us.
No way! That’d be fantastic!
おまけ:「ありえない」:否定の “No way” の派生形
おまけ①:There is no way S V

否定の “No way” の派生表現で “There is no way S V” というのも便利だから一緒に覚えておきましょう!
「絶対に S V にはならない」「S が V するなんてありえない」という意味になります。
There’s no way
If you say there’s no way that something will happen, you are emphasizing that you think it will definitely not happen.
There is no way I can finish all of this homework by tomorrow! Ms. Brown is gonna kill me!
There is no way I can afford this phone. I guess I’d better go find a secondhand one…Lord knows that’s all I can get.
There’s no way I’m going along with that B.S. It’s too good to be true.
You’re coming with us, right?
Sorry. There is no way I can make it this time…I’ve got too much on my plate right now.
That’s too bad. Well, maybe next time.
Oh, my God. I just saw Bruno Mars buying a coffee at the Starbucks right around the corner!
What? Get out of here! There’s no way!
おまけ②: No way do S V.

否定の No way には “No way do S V”という派生表現もあります。
先ほどの “There is no way” と基本的には同じで「ありえない」という意味ですが、 “No way” の後が倒置の形になっているので注意してください。
No way did he get a job at Apple. He’s the most unreliable man on the planet!
No way am I gonna ask Eleanor on a date. She is way out of my league.
Shoot. I left my wallet at home. Hey, Sofia. Can you…
No way will I lend you money. You haven’t paid me back the 50 bucks I lent you last time yet.
Ah…fair enough.