“That’s bullshit!”

今日は、海外ドラマや映画でよく耳にするスラング “bullshit” や “BS” という英語表現についてエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

スラング英語 “bullshit / BS” とは

“bullshit” [ˈbʊl.ʃɪt] は「でたらめなこと」「嘘っぱち」という意味のスラングです。
“bullshit”の代わりに “BS” [biː es](読みはそのまま[ビー エス])と言うと、すこしだけ softer な言い方になります。
If you say that something is bullshit, you are saying that it is nonsense or completely untrue.
If you describe something as BS, you are saying that it is nonsense or completely untrue. BS is an abbreviation for ‘bullshit’.
“bullshit” の起源は、「詐欺」を意味する古いフランス語の “bole” から来ているようです。
それが英語に取り入れられて発音の近い “bull”(雄牛)となり、いつのまにか “shit” (糞)が付いて “bullshit” になったようです。
“Bull”, meaning nonsense, dates from the 17th century, while the term “bullshit” has been used as early as 1915 in British and American slang, and came into popular usage only during World War II. The word “bull” itself may have derived from the Old French bole meaning “fraud, deceit”.
There’s no way I’m going along with that B.S. It’s too good to be true.
What if all he is saying is bullshit?
If you can beat me in tennis, I’ll get you whatever you want. No BS.
I can’t believe you bought her story! She is such a liar! Everything she says is bullshit!
I heard that if you study with this book, you’ll be able to speak English in 3 months.
That’s bullshit! There is no such thing.
In the last Avengers’ movie, the half of the heroes are dead.
That’s BS!

“bullshit” は動詞としても使うことができます。
If you say that someone is bullshitting you, you mean that what they are telling you is nonsense or completely untrue.
What did you do with my Nintendo Switch?
I’m telling you! There was a UFO flying over my house and…uh…it took it!
Stop BSing me!
おまけ:a load of crap

“bullshit” / “BS” に似た表現に “a load of crap” っていうのがあります。

直訳すると 「山盛りのう〇ち」。
a load of crap/bull etc
spoken not polite used to say that something is bad, untrue, or stupid
Look! It’s plain to see that his blog is a complete rip off of mine. He said it was original, but it’s a load of crap!
Man, you’ve gotta do something about this!