今日は 「パクる」「パクリ」を英語で何というか エリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

「パクる・パクリ」の英語表現①:plagiarize / plagiarism


「他の人のアイディアや文章などを盗用すること」を英語では “plagiarize” って言うよ。
名詞「盗用」は “plagiarism” ね。
to use another person’s ideas or work and pretend that it is your own
Plagiarism is the practice of using or copying someone else’s idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it.


“plagiarize” とか “plagiarism” は、どちらかという文章で使われるような表現で、結構深刻なかんじのする言葉だね。


He plagiarized his entire report from the internet.
They say Melania Trump plagiarized parts of her speech from one of Michelle Obama’s old ones.
I’ve seen so many students get expelled for plagiarism, so don’t even think about ripping off someone’s thesis!
※ “rip off” については次の「パクる・パクリ」の英語表現②で解説します!

「パクる・パクリ」の英語表現②:rip off

スラングになるけど、日常会話では “rip off” って単語を使うことがあるよ。
“rip off” のもともとの意味は「はぎとる」「盗む」って意味。
“rip off”は動詞としても使うし、名詞としても使えるよ。


rip off
(idiomatic) to copy, especially illegally
Stealing ideas and/or products to create something of lesser value. To take credit for something that is not their own. To slightly alter an existing idea and product for personal benefit. Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.
Some scum ripped my pictures off and is using them on their website.
Some of her game theories on YouTube got ripped off by another YouTuber.
This book is such a rip off! Almost all the sentences on this page are the same as this other book’s.

Look! It’s plain to see that his blog is a complete rip off of mine. He said it was original, but it’s a load of crap!
Man, you’ve gotta do something about this!
“a load of crap” は直訳すると「山盛りのう〇ち」。
a load of crap/bull etc
spoken not polite used to say that something is bad, untrue, or stupid
似た表現に “bullshit” / “BS” ってのがありますね。
Ah, isn’t this song amazing? The music is beautiful and I can relate to the lyrics so much!
Oh, come on. That song is such a rip off of Celine Dion’s.
Are you sure? I mean, they sound totally different to me. I think it’s just a coincidence.)

ちなみに、“rip off” には「パクり」以外に「ぼったくり」って意味もあるから覚えておいてね。
rip off
to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something
rip-off SLANG
an act of cheating someone by charging too much or not giving anything of value for money spent:
$80 for a ticket!? That’s such a rip off!
Let’s bring some snacks. Food and drinks at Disney are a real rip-off.



I hate seeing people go viral for stolen tweets.
Look at this tweet that has just gone viral! It’s so funny and relatable.
Nah. That’s one of the stolen tweets. I’m pretty sure I saw it years ago.

それでは、【「パクる/パクリ」は英語で何?”rip off” の意味と使い方をアメリカ人が解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!