“So much for my happy ending”
(Avril Lavigne 懐かしい….)
今日はイディオム英語 “So much for (something)” の意味と使い方をまとめますよ!

“so much for (something)” の意味と使い方とともに、発音も確認してくださいね!
イディオム “so much for (something)” の意味とは

“so much for (something)” は、あることが期待通りにいかなかったときや、何かが台無しになってしまった時に使う英語表現です。
so much for
used to express disappointment at the fact that a situation is not as you thought it was:
used to say that a particular action, idea, statement etc was not useful or did not produce the result that was hoped for
発音付き例文でイディオム英語 so much for (something) の意味を確認!
Oh, no. Babe? Did you see the weather forecast? It’s going to pour all weekend.
Ahhh…Are you serious?! So much for our hiking trip.
That cake looks so good….but I shouldn’t.
One piece of cake can’t hurt, right?
Screw it! So much for cutting back.
Are they fighting again?!
Yeah…it was supposed to be a special night…
Pfft. So much for that!