“I’m a bit under the weather.”
本記事では “under the weather” の意味と使い方をまとめます。

under the weather の意味と由来とは

“under the weather” は「体調がすぐれない」「調子が悪い」という意味の英語表現です。
under the weather
If you say that you are under the weather, you mean that you feel slightly ill.

“under the weather” がなぜ「体調が悪い」という意味になるのでしょうか?
諸説あるようですが、有名な説としては、船乗りが体調がすぐれないときに厳しい天気の影響下(under the weather)からデッキの下に移動したことに由来するようです。
There is one popular theory about the origin of under the weather that connects it with sailing. Supposedly, when a sailor wasn’t feeling well, he would retreat below deck, out of the “weather” above, where he could be described as under the weather.
発音付き例文で under the weather の意味と使い方を確認!
I’m a bit under the weather.
What’s wrong with Tom?
I think he’s feeling a bit under the weather.
Hey, Erin! How’s it goin’?
Alright, I guess.
Oh, is something wrong?
Yeah, I’m just feeling a bit under the weather.
Hey, I’m drinking with Peter. Come join us!
Nah. I can’t make it.
Why not? Come on, you are gonna have a great time.
I’m feeling a bit under the weather. I think I’m coming down with something.
Oh, okay. There is always next time. Take care.
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “under the weather” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!