
①:comeback / come back and win the game

また「逆転勝ちする」は “come back” もしくは “make a comeback” といいます。
come back
to become successful or effective after being in a bad situation, especially in a sports event
An occurrence of an athlete or sports team in a competition overcoming a substantial disadvantage in points to win or draw.
The Giants came back and won the game 5-4.
My brother got first place in the competition with an amazing comeback at the last minute!
How’s our team doing?
Japan is 2 goals behind Russia. I hope they make a comeback in the second half.
Oh, man. They’re 3 behind. No way they are winning.
It’s too soon to tell. They might make a huge comeback. The game ain’t over till it’s over, you know?
②:win the game in a huge upset

“win the game in a huge(major) upset” でも「逆転勝利」を表現できます。
ここでいう“upset” は名詞で「大番狂わせ」「大金星」のことです。
an occasion when someone beats the team or player that was expected to win:
They came from behind and won the game in a major upset.

強いて言えば、”They had the lead at first but lost the game.” みたいなかんじかな。
Japan had the lead at first but ended up losing it in the end.
They had the lead and choked at the last minute.
“choke” はもともとは「窒息する」って意味ですが、スポーツにおいては「過度の緊張や重圧などで失敗してしまうこと」をいいます。
to be unable to perform efficiently, as in a sporting event, because of tension, strong emotion, etc.