
ってことで、今日は ”ホット” な話題、「熱中症」や「脱水症」を英語で何というかエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

「熱中症」の英語表現:heatstroke / be overheated

「熱中症」のことを英語では “heatstroke” [ˈhiːtstrəʊk] といいます。

なるほど、”heatstroke” ね。
“get heatstroke” とか?

“overheat” は「熱しすぎる」って意味ね。

A condition marked by fever and often by unconsciousness, caused by failure of the body’s temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed to excessively high temperatures.
to make or become excessively hot
Are you all right? You don’t look too good.
I’m not feeling well. I’m a bit dizzy and can’t feel my legs.
It might be heatstroke. Let’s get some rest in the shade.
How was the game?
Terrible. I got overheated and had to retire.
Oh no. That’s too bad.

「脱水症」の英語表現:dehydration / dehydrated

「脱水症」のことを英語では “dehydration” [diːhaɪdreɪʃən] といいます。
また「脱水症の状態」にあることを “dehydrated” [diːhaɪdreɪtɪd] で表現できます。
Excessive loss of water from the body or from an organ or body part, as from illness or fluid deprivation.
not having the normal amount of water in your body so that you feel ill or weak
I heard terrible news that a first grade elementary school student died of dehydration at school.
That’s insane! They’ve got to do something! They should install air conditioners at school right away.
The hot yoga class was much harder than we thought, huh? I feel like I’m dehydrated.
Me too. I’m dripping wet. Let’s go get something to drink and cool down.


Have a good one!