
「声が枯れている」の英語表現①:My voice is hoarse. / I’m hoarse.

風邪や大声を出して声が枯れてしまったときは “hoarse” という英語で表現できます。
“My voice is hoarse.” のように主語を “voice” にしたり、 “I’m hoarse.” のように “人” を主語にすることができます。
If your voice is hoarse or if you are hoarse, your voice sounds rough and unclear, for example because your throat is sore.

ちなみに “hoarse”の発音は “horse”(馬) と同じ([hɔːrs]) になります。
My voice is sort of hoarse today.
I’m hoarse. I can barely talk.
I don’t know why, but I easily get hoarse when I drink even if it’s not so strong.

「声が枯れている」の英語表現②:My voice is raspy.

さきほどの “hoarse” と違って “人” を主語にすることができない点に気をつけてください!
If someone has a raspy voice, they make rough sounds as if they have a sore throat or have difficulty in breathing.
Man, my throat hurts and my voice is raspy.

Oh, no. What’s with your raspy voice? Did you catch a cold?
No, I’m fine. I just went to karaoke yesterday and went too hard is all.
「声が枯れている」の英語表現③:I’m losing my voice.

lose one’s voice
If you lose your voice, you cannot speak for a while because of an illness.
lose your voice
to be unable to speak for a period of time, for example because you have a cold
I think I’m coming down with something. I’m sort of losing my voice.

「声が枯れている」の英語表現④:I have a frog in my throat.

“frog in (one’s) throat” というイディオムもあります。
hoarse や raspy と同様に喉が枯れて声がかすれているような状態の時に使えます。
“I have a frog in my throat.” や “There’s a frog in my throat.” のように使いますよ。
have a frog in your throat
to have difficulty in speaking because your throat feels dry and you want to cough
a frog in (one’s) throat
The feeling that something is caught or stuck in one’s throat. Could refer to actual hoarseness or the inability to speak due to fear.

You okay? It sounded like you had a frog in my throat.
I know. I had to clear my throat a bunch of times during the presentation. I hope I wasn’t giving them a bad impression.

それでは、【「声が変」「喉が枯れている」は英語で何? frog in my throat の意味とは?ネイティブが解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!