#ThrowbackThursday #TBT
今日は “Throwback” の意外な意味とその使い方をまとめますよ!

ThrowbackThursday / TBT の意味とは

informal an occasion when someone is reminded of a past time
A sudden reminder of the past. This can be brought about by hearing a song from high school, seeing an ex, puffing on a j in your old puffin spot, etc. Similar to a flashback.

Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday is a popular internet trend used among social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Users will often post nostalgic pictures of their past accompanied by the hashtag #TBT or ThrowbackThursday. It is used by people all over the world to share and relive their past experiences with anyone they want. While a majority of posts reflect positive moments in someone’s past, the term throwback can be attributed to anything in the past.

That photo is a throwback to my college days.
This movie is a throwback to the 80s.
This video is a throwback to when I was on the soccer team in junior high.
Throwback to a great time at Disney World with my precious family 3 years ago! #ThrowbackThursday #TBT
(楽しかった思い出(の写真)。3年前、ディズニーワールドに大切な家族と。#ThrowbackThursday #TBT)
Do you ever feel funny when you are looking through the throwback pictures of you and find out how weird and tacky you were back then?
I always think of my old days in high school when I hear this song. What a throwback!

What do you sing at karaoke?
I’d say, “I Want It That Way” is my go-to song.
(そうだな…”I Want It That Way” が十八番かな)
Ah, a throwback to our childhood! Very nice. That song brings back so many memories.

うーん、かわいい…よね? 笑
それでは、【TBT は何の略?Throwback Thursday の意味とは?ネイティブが解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!
今日の “bloopers”
恒例のNG集。暇な人だけ聞いてね 笑