「お金がない」は英語で何?flat brokeの意味とは?「金欠」のネイティブ表現まとめ











「金欠」の英語表現①: broke



「金欠」は英語で表現するときは形容詞の “broke” を使うと便利です。


“flat broke” というと、さらにお金がない様子を表現できますよ。



If you are broke, you have no money.

引用元:Collins Dictionary

flat broke

used to emphasize that someone or something has no money at all

引用元:Cambridge Dictionary


Sorry but I can’t go to the movie. I’m broke.


Hey, mom. Can I get an advance on my allowance? I’m kind of broke now.

Uh-uh. That’s not gonna happen. You asked for an advance last month too.


Why did I ever trust him and invest in cryptocurrencies? Now I’m flat broke.

Get over it, man. We can’t change the past. Hindsight is 20/20, after all. 


You are just having a rice ball for lunch? Is it gonna be enough for you?

Well, I’m flat broke now. I kind of lost a lot of money at the horse races the other day.

It serves you right. You shouldn’t be gambling like that.

I know. I’ve learned my lesson this time.

Here. Eat this.

Oh, Karen! You’re the best! Thanks a lot!




「金欠」の英語表現②: not have a penny to one’s name


“I don’t have a penny to my name” でも、金欠ですっからかんな状態を表現できます。

not have a penny to (one’s) name

To be extremely poor; to have very little or no money to spend.

引用元:The Free Dictionary


Are you free this weekend? What do you say we go to Universal Studios? 

Sorry. I have to pass this time. I don’t have a penny to my name right now. I bought a new laptop and it cost me a fortune.



Can you lend me 10 bucks? I don’t have a penny to my name right now and payday is not until next week.

Oh man, not again!






Twitter みてると、受験貧乏の TOEICer の方達がいて、本当に頭が下がります。

がんばれ、みんな! 俺も頑張ります!

それでは、【「お金がない」は英語で何?”flat broke”の意味とは?「金欠」のネイティブ表現まとめ】でした!

Have a good one!



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