“I quit smoking cold turkey.”
今日は “quit cold turkey” や “go cold turkey” の意味と使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

“quit cold turkey” / “go cold turkey” とは

“quit something cold turkey” は 「悪い習慣を急にきっぱりとやめる」という意味の英語表現です。
“go cold turkey on something.” も同じ意味で使われます。
たとえば “quit smoking cold turkey” や “go cold turkey on smoking” で「(ゆっくり体を慣らすことなく)一気にすぱっと禁煙する」という意味になります。
quit (something) cold turkey
To stop doing something abruptly. The phrase is most often used to describe the sudden cessation of a drug.
go cold turkey
To stop doing or using something abruptly and completely. Most commonly said of drug, alcohol, or tobacco use, it can also refer to any bad habit.

なにその “cold turkey” って!?

“Cold turkey” refers to the abrupt cessation of a substance dependence and the resulting unpleasant experience, as opposed to gradually easing the process through reduction over time or by using replacement medication.
The term comes from the piloerection or “goose bumps” that occurs with abrupt withdrawal from opioids, which resembles the skin of a plucked refrigerated turkey.


My brother quit drinking cold turkey and hasn’t had a drink ever since.
I realized that I was spending way too much time on Twitter, so I decided to go cold turkey and deleted my account.
I’m gaining way too much weight from chocolate addiction. I’ll have to go cold turkey and cut it out.

Oh, no. When did you start smoking again?
I ended up falling off the wagon. I tried, okay? It’s just so hard!
Actually, I used to smoke, but I quit smoking cold turkey.
For real? No withdrawal or anything? What’s the trick?
It’s the baby. You will see when you become a father.
一度やめていた悪習を再び始めることを英語では “fall off the wagon”と言います。
fall off the wagon
to resume any previously stopped behavior including smoking, drug use, overeating, or any other disavowed behavior

“cold turkey” の由来、おもしろいですよね!
それでは、【”quit smoking cold turkey” の意味は?由来・語源は?アメリカ人が解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!
おまけ:今日の “bloopers”
恒例のNG集。暇なときに聞いてね 笑