みなさん、“Do you have a say?” って聞かれたら、どうしますか?

今日は “have a say” の意味と使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!
have a say の意味とは

“have a say” や “have some say” は、「発言権/決定権がある」「意見できる立場にある」という意味の表現です
have a say (in something)
To have an active and participatory role in making or influencing a decision about something.
have a, some, etc. say in sth
to be involved in making a decision about something:

“say” って「言う」っていう動詞だとばかり思っていたけど、名詞としてもつかえるんだね

I feel like I don’t have any say at the committee.
In my family, my mom is the only one to have any say.
It’s up to the boss. He has the final say about the project.
Seems like my company wants to transfer me to the branch in Hokkaido.
No way! But you just got married! Don’t you have a say in this?
It can be helped, but I’m gonna miss my wife.
何それ、”say” って名詞なの?