“Wake up and smell the coffee!”
今日は “wake up and smell the coffee” の意味と使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

“Wake up and smell the coffee” の意味とは

「ストーカー行為を辞めたから彼はもうまともな人間だ」と話すフィービーに、チャンドラーは “wake up and smell the restraining order.” と言います。(※ restraining order とは被害者を守るためにストーカーに課される「接近禁止令」のこと。)
Ross: You’re taking the word of a guy who has night vision goggles?
Phoebe: What, he’s not still following her. Do you think he is still following her?
Chandler: Pheebs, wake up and smell the restraining order.
引用元:Friends シーズン3 第三話 The One With All The Jam

“wake up and smell the coffee.” か。

(「ダーリン、起きて☆ ほら、コーヒー淹れたわよ♡ 目を覚まして」てな感じじゃないの!?)

wake up and smell the coffee
used to tell someone that they are wrong about a particular situation and must realize what is really happening
wake up and smell the coffee
to face up to reality, esp in an unpleasant situation

Man! Wake up and smell the coffee! That girl is bad news! You know she is two-timing you!
Oh, come on! There is no way you can win the lottery. Wake up and smell the coffee! Go job hunting like everyone else. Like, seriously!
Travel around the world with a ship? Wake up and smell the coffee. What if something happened to you in the middle of the ocean!
“bad news” は「トラブルメイカー、厄介者」という意味で使われます。
また “two-time” は「二股する」という動詞です。
he’s/she’s bad news
informal used to say that someone is likely to cause trouble
to deceive someone you are having a relationship with by having a secret sexual relationship with someone else at the same time:

Did you hear from Kevin yet?
Not yet. I’ve texted him several times, but….I am sure he’ll reply!!! Maybe he is on vacation or something.
Look, I know you don’t wanna hear this right now, but wake up and smell the coffee. He is not into you.

それでは、【”Wake up and smell the coffee!” の意味とは?アメリカ人が解説します!】でした!
Have a good one!
おまけ:今日の “bloopers”
恒例のNG集。暇な人だけ聞いてね 笑