今日は “You would think.” / “You’d think.” の意味と使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

“You would think.” / “You’d think” の意味とは

👉You would think.
↪︎だと思うじゃん?🧑🏼I thought everyone would’ve understood women’s rights by now
いい加減みんな女性の人権について理解してると思うじゃん👩🏻🦰You would think. We still have ways to go.
だと思うじゃん?まだ道のりは長いよ。📸NV/AZ州境#ふぉと pic.twitter.com/JnUnmmWJUP
— 🇺🇸Ryo’s English🇺🇸@英語&USA写真垢 (@CharaoEnglish) 2019年1月9日

“You would think” / “You’d think” は Ryoのツイートにあるように「普通○○だと思うでしょ?」っていう意味で、「当然こうだと期待するけど、実際はその反対なんだ」っていうときに使うよ。
you would think
used when talking about something that you think should happen but has not happened
you/one would think (that) idiom
—used to say that one believes that something is true or should be true, that a particular situation exists or should exist, that something will happen or should happen, etc.

たとえば “You’d think cops never commit crimes.” だと「警察は犯罪なんか起こさないって思うじゃん?でも実際はね…」って意味になるよ。


You would think that all Japanese people like sushi, but I just can’t do raw fish.
You’d think he would have retired from the race when he sprained his ankle, but he powered through somehow!
With the amount of complaining Peita does about being cold, you would think he would learn to dress warmer.

No matter how many times I tell Jimmy to stop taking his shoes off in weird places, he still does it. You would think he would get tired of losing them.
Well, boys will be boys.

Can you believe it?! Someone ate my sandwich that clearly had my name on it!
Are you serious?
People should know not to touch, let alone eat, other people’s things.
You would think. Sorry, hun. I’ll buy you some Subway on break.

今回登場したRyoさんは、 YouTube や Twitter で英語やアメリカの近況を教える在米弁護士さん。
小1のとき”ノリで”渡米し、ハーバード大卒の経歴でありながら、自らを “チャラ男” と称する…もうなんかよくわからないけど、ものすごい人です 笑
(ハーバード大卒のチャラ男といいながらも、本当はだれよりもまじめで優しい人なのでご安心を 笑)
Youtube : ♭ちゃらピア♯
Twitter : @CharaoEnglish
それでは、【You would think./You’d think. の意味とは?使い方は?アメリカ人が解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!