今日は 「衝動買い」の英語表現 “impulse buy” / “buy on の意味と使い方をエリンに教えてもらったのでまとめますよ!

「衝動買い」の英語表現 “impulse buy” / “buy on impulse”


impulse buy
something that you buy suddenly and without thinking carefully:

“impulse” って「衝動」って意味だよね?

“impulse buy” のほかにも、“buy something on impulse” っていうこともあるね。
例えば、“I bought a bag on impulse.” で「バッグを衝動的に買ってしまった」という意味。
この “do something on impulse” っていう表現は「衝動買い」だけじゃなくて、「何かを衝動的にする」ってときに使えるから覚えておいてね!
on impulse
If you do something on impulse, you suddenly decide to do it, without planning it.

impulse buy
I found myself buying a new phone even though I wasn’t looking for one. It was an impulse buy, but I regret nothing.
It was an impulse buy. I know this is a lame excuse, but who can resist a half-off price tag?!
I bought a Michael Kors wallet. It was an impulse buy that cost a fortune, but I feel like such a grown up.
do something on impulse
I know I have to study for the TOEIC, but I ended up buying the new Smash Bros. on impulse instead. I have zero self-control!

Wow, Brittany. I almost didn’t recognize you. I love your hair!
Thanks. I have always wanted to try something bold, but never really had the courage to do it. Y’know? So on impulse, I told the hairdresser to do whatever he wanted.
Wow. You’re so brave. You’re really pulling it off! It looks great!
“pull off something” で、「(ファッションなどのスタイルが)その人に似合っている(そのスタイルを着こなしている)」という意味のスラングになります。
pull off
Someone that looks good when they wear or have a certain style.

それでは、【「衝動買い」は英語で何?impulse buy の意味と使い方をネイティブが解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!
今日の “bloopers”
恒例のNG集。暇な人だけ聞いてね 笑