“Never mind.”
本記事では Never mind の意味と使い方をまとめますよ!
あわせて Never mind と Don’t worry の違いについても解説します。

Never mind の意味と使い方

Never mind は端的に言うと「気にしないで」「心配しないで」という意味のイディオムですが、
という意味合いが強く、ネガティブな含みがある点で Don’t worry about it と違います。
具体的には Don’t worry about it は
Never mind にはそのような用法はないことには注意しましょう。
never mind
You say never mind when you are emphasizing that something is not serious or important, especially when someone is upset about it or is saying sorry to you.
I’m sorry I broke one of your cups.
Never mind about that(=Don’t worry about that). Are you hurt?
Let me help you do the dishes.
Never mind them(=Don’t worry about them). Let’s have some tea.
Thank you for babysitting Ben. I really appreciate it.
Never mind about it(=Don’t worry about it). I had no plans anyway.
※この場合の Never mind は Don’t worry about it より、ややツンデレ気味に聞こえる
I’m so nervous about tomorrow.
Oh, don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine. You know I got your back.
※この場合のDon’t worry と Never mind の言い換えは不可

Never mind は自分の直前の発言に対して、あるいは何かを言いかけたときに、
SNSでは Nvm のように省略して使われることもあります。
never mind
used to say that something previously mentioned or asked can be disregarded
Can you send this letter for me? Oh wait, never mind, I’ll do it on the way to the station.
Didn’t we do that already? Oh wait, never mind. That was something else.
What did you just say?!
Never mind.
Cal, can you bring the laundry for me?
But Moooom, I have a lot of homework.
*sigh* Never mind, I’ll do it myself.
(*溜息* わかった、気にしないで。自分でやるから)

never mind (something) で
イディオム let alone と同じように使います。
never mind
used to refer to something that is even less likely or possible than something else being mentioned or described
I can hardly walk, never mind play in the game.
Jack’s in the hospital? How am I supposed to finish the project without him, never mind present it?!
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 Never mind の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!