今日はキモイを表す英語表現、 形容詞”gross” や イディオム “gross out” の意味とその使い方をまとめますよ!

gross の意味とは


「キモい(気持ち悪い)」は形容詞の “gross” を使って表現できるよ。
例えば、“Eww. Gross!” (うぇ。きもぉ!)みたいにね。
“gross out” (気持ち悪くさせる・ぞっとさせる)のように動詞としても使えるからあわせて覚えておいてね。
If you describe something as gross, you think it is very unpleasant.
gross sb out
If something grosses you out, you think it is very unpleasant or disgusting:
Peita thinks that cockroaches are so gross. I agree with him.
I’m all sweaty and gross! I’m dying to take a hot shower right now.
Oh, gross! When was the last time you cleaned the bathroom!?
Eww. Stop being so gross.
What? It’s a normal bodily function.
Well, be “normal” somewhere else.
Stop picking your nose, Dustin! You’re so gross!
I’m rubber, you’re glue!
I’m gonna tell Mom on you!
動詞:gross out
Saw? No, no. I can’t watch gory movies like that. I get grossed out so easily.
How was your trip to the Philippines?
It was great! The people were nice and the beaches were beautiful!
Sounds great. How was the food?
Oh, my God. You gotta hear this! We tried this delicacy called balut, but ugh, it grossed us out!
Why? What is it?
It’s a developing duck embryo boiled and eaten from the shell. You could actually see the beak and stuff, even feathers!
Yikes! Ugh, I feel I’m gonna puke.
What will you eat for dinner today?
I’m too lazy to cook. Probably just rice and natto.
Eww. Natto?
What? What is it?
I’ve tried it once, but I’m not big on it.
Why not?
The texture! It’s all sticky, stringy and gooey. It grosses me out!
Haha. It’s kind of an acquired taste. You should give it another shot. It might grow on you.
No. Never ever again. It’s disgusting!
Come on. It’s not that bad! You know what though, it’s very good for your health. It’s high in protein and fiber.
Okay. Let me ask you one question. If you were not Japanese, would you ever eat that? The stinky and slimy fermented delicacy?
Ah…now that you mention it, yeah you’re right. You got me.

日本語で「キモい(気持ち悪い)」と言いたいときは、今回の “gross” “gross out” を使ってみてくださいね。
⇒ YouTubeチャネル ErinGLISH(エリングリッシュ)はこちら!
それでは、【「キモい/気持ち悪い」は英語で何?gross の意味と使い方をネイティブが解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!
今日の “bloopers”
恒例のNG集。暇な人だけ聞いてね 笑