“He is such a douche.”
本記事ではスラング英語“douche” や “douchebag” 、”d-bag” の意味と使い方をまとめます。

douche、douchebag の意味とは?

“douche” あるいは “d-bag” ということもあります。
“jerk” は女性にも使えるのに対して “douchebag” は男性に対して使います。
また発音は /ˈduːʃbaɡ/ (ドゥーシュバッグ) です。
douche bag
A douche bag is basically a douche — a product women use to clean their vaginas. But in slang it’s an insult usually hurled at slimy, stupid men.
This is an extremely popular word. Many people seem to see douche bags everywhere they look. Despite how commonly douche bag is used, it is considered an inappropriate word in most settings. Parents and teachers certainly don’t want to hear about how you think your brother is a douche bag. Be careful who you call a douche bag: in many cases, it will be safer to call them a jerk or idiot instead.
引用元:Douche bag – Definition, Meaning & Synonyms – Vocabulary.com
発音付き例文で douchebag の意味と使い方を確認!
He is such a douche.
I don’t like that guy. He is always bossing people around. Such a douchebag!
Mike is a real douche. He takes his girlfriend for granted.
I’m so glad I broke up with him.
Yeah. He turned out to be such a douche bag. Honestly, you dodged a bullet with that one.
I finally decided to block my ex’s messages. That d-bag won’t hurt me anymore!
Good for you, Keisha!
How come you blew off the date with Asami?
Just because.
Wow. You are such a douche bag.
余談:映画での douchebag

ちなみにR指定のこの映画では、”Douche” というキャラクターが登場します。
“douche” = 「嫌なヤツ」という背景がわかっていると、より映画を楽しめますね。
日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “douchebag” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!