
英語で生理のことを “period [ˈpɪəriəd]” といいます。
また生理中は “ be on one’s period“ で表現できます。
例えば “I’m on period.” で「生理中です」って意味になりますよ。
the bleeding from a woman’s womb that happens once a month when she is not pregnant
Ugh. My period is supposed to start in the next few days.
My period is late…Do you think I’m pregnant?
I get cravings for sweets when I’m on my period. I legit eat everything!

“cramp” は名詞だけでなく動詞としても使うことができます。
例えば “I’m cramping.” は「生理中がでおなかが痛い」ってことになります。
cramp (usually plural in the US and Canada)
severe abdominal pain
Suffer from sudden and painful contractions of a muscle or muscles.
Being a girl sucks! I often get terrible cramps and just can’t do anything except lay in bed with a heat pack.
Hey, are you okay? You look pale.
Ah, I’m cramping really bad. Do you happen to have any pain relievers?
Yeah. Here you go. Why don’t you go home early today? I will talk to the boss for you.
Ugh, I am cramping so bad. I need chocolate.
Rough period, huh?
Yeah, but once in a blue moon, I have a mild one.
PMS とは

PMS [piːemˈes] とは 生理前にイライラしたり、情緒不安定になることをいいます。
発音はアルファベットのまま [ピー エム エス] です。
abbreviation for premenstrual syndrome : (= a condition in which some women experience unpleasant physical and emotional feelings for a few days before their period)
When I PMS, I get so emotional that I cry over nothing.
Why are you so cranky today? What’s wrong with you?
I dunno. I guess I’m just PMSing, okay?
Can I get some chocolate? I got a craving because of my period.
It’s not PMS or anything. You are just a chocoholic.
*sheepish* You got me.

sanitary pad の方がより使われていると思います。
またタンポンは “tampon[ˈtæm.pɑːn]” です。
I’m looking for sanitary pads.
Hey, you don’t by chance have a tampon, do you?