“I have a muffin top.”
今日はおなかのぜい肉を表すスラング “muffin top” の意味と使い方をまとめますよ!

日常会話でも便利な英語表現 “muffin top” の意味・使い方とともに、発音も一緒に確認してくださいね!
muffin top の意味とは?

“muffin top” はズボンに乗っかっちゃってる、おなかのはみ出たぜい肉のことです。

A muffin top (also muffin-top) is a slang term typically used to describe a person’s body fat that extends horizontally over the edges of the waistline of tightly fitting pants or skirts, visible when there is a gap between the upper and lower garment. The term is a reference to the way a muffin appears when it has been baked in a muffin tin, so that the top of the muffin extends horizontally over and around the top of the tin or casing.
発音付き例文で muffin top の意味と使い方を確認!
I joined a gym and got rid of my muffin top!
Good for you!