
「納豆」の英語表現:fermented soybeans

Nattō (なっとう or 納豆) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Some eat it as a breakfast food. It is served with soy sauce, karashi mustard and Japanese bunching onion. Nattō may be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture. In Japan nattō is most popular in the eastern regions, including Kantō, Tōhoku, and Hokkaido.
“fermented” は動詞 “ferment” の受動態で、「発酵した」という意味になります。
If food or drink ferments or if you ferment it, the sugar in it changes into alcohol because of a chemical process


Hey, Erin. Have you ever tried Natto?
No, what is it?
It’s fermented soybeans.
Oh yeah! I think I’ve heard of it. It smells really bad, huh?
Yeah. I’d say it’s like between old cheese and stinky socks.
Yikes. Do you like it?
Are you kidding? I love it! Most Japanese people like it a lot. It’s very common to eat it for breakfast with rice.
Interesting. How does it taste?
Hmm. It’s pretty hard to explain it in words, but it’s not as bad as you might think. You should try it once.
Okay. If I get a chance.
Yeah, but they say it’s either you love it or hate it. So let me know how you like it if you do try it.
What will you eat for dinner today?
I’m too lazy to cook. Probably just rice and Natto.
Eww. Natto?
What? What is it?
I’ve tried it once, but I’m not big on it.
Why not?
The texture! It’s all sticky, stringy and gooey. It grosses me out!
Haha. It’s kind of an acquired taste. You should give it another shot. It might grow on you.
No. Never ever again. It’s disgusting!
Come on. It’s not that bad! You know what though, it’s very good for your health. It’s high in protein and fiber.
Okay. Let me ask you one question. If you were not Japanese, would you ever eat that? The stinky and slimy fermented delicacy?
Ah…now that you mention it, yeah you’re right. You got me.

それでは、【【fermented soybeans】「納豆」を英語で説明できる?「発酵食品」は英語で何?ネイティブが解説するよ!】でした!