「私は犬派 / 猫派です」って英語で言えますか?
今日は 「犬派 / 猫派」 など、「○○派」を英語で何というかまとめますよ!

「犬派 / 猫派」の英語表現 : “-person”


「犬派・猫派」はそれぞれ “dog person” / “cat person” だね。
この “person” は、いろいろな言葉の後につけて、「〇〇派」「〇〇好き」を表現出来るよ。
たとえば “I’m a tea person.” で、「お茶派(お茶好き)」って意味になるよ。
[with modifier] An individual characterized by a preference or liking for a specified thing.
If someone says, for example, ‘I’m an outdoor person’ or ‘I’m not a coffee person’, they are saying whether or not they like that particular activity or thing.

Shu is a total cat person. Even his Twitter profile pic is of a cat.
(Shu は猫派。ツイッターのプロフィール画像まで猫なの。)
My husband is a morning person. He gets up early every single day, like before dawn early. I mean, what the f? Why?
Owen is a legit coffee dude. He is very picky about beans, like the roast, the grind, and all of that.
What can I get you? You look like a whiskey man.
男の人の場合は、”-peroson” のほかにも上の例題のように “-guy” や “-man” ということがあります。

Why don’t you just call him?
Nah. I’m not a phone person. Texting is so much easier.
Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I’m more of a bird person, to be honest. Don’t get me wrong I like dogs and cats, but they’re no match for birds.
Oh, yeah. I remember you used to have a pet parakeet that could say “hello.” What was its name again?
Dude. Check out the ass on the chick over there in jeans. Somebody’s not missing any meals, huh.
Hm. She is okay. I’m not much of a butt person really. I’m more of a boob man, myself.
Of course, you are.

YouTube もやってるので是非覗いてみてくださいね!
それでは、【犬派/猫派は英語で何? – person の意味と使い方をネイティブが解説するよ!】でした!
Have a good one!