“Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”
今日はレストランで注文しすぎたときの英語表現: “your eyes are bigger than your stomach” についてエリンに教えてもらったので紹介します!

イディオム: your eyes are bigger than your stomach の意味とは

” your eyes are bigger than your stomach” は、レストランでついつい頼みすぎてしまう人や、食べ放題のお店で欲張って食べきれない量を取ってきてしまう人に対し使う英語表現です。
one’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach
one has taken more food than one can eat


【at an all-you-can-eat restaurant : 食べ放題のレストランにて】
Phew! I’m full! I took way too much. I can’t eat anymore.
Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Here, I will eat it for you.
Wow. Your portion is so big!
I know! I shouldn’t have ordered dessert.
Your eyes are bigger than your stomach, huh?
Yeah. Do you want some?

Peita has eyes bigger than his stomach. He always orders too much when we eat out.
“you have eyes bigger than your stomach” も “your eyes are bigger than your stomach” と同じ意味の表現です。
Are you ready to order?
Yes. I will have the Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad, Calamari, 6 oz Sirloin with Fettuccine Alfredo, and New York cheese cake.
Are you really sure you can eat all of them? I mean, your eyes are always way bigger than your stomach! It wouldn’t hurt to just wait and see for dessert at least.
Come on. I always have room for dessert. Don’t worry about it. Plus, we can get a to-go box if we have to.
You got me there. All right.

それでは、【イディオム “your eyes are bigger than your stomach” の意味とは?ネイティブが解説します!】でした!
Have a good one!