“He has a good vibe.”
今日はスラング英語 “vibe” の意味と使い方をまとめますよ!

スラング英語 “vibe” の意味とは

“vibe” は、「雰囲気」とか「オーラ」とか「エネルギー」といったものになります。
例えば、 “A restaurant with good vibes” は「良い雰囲気のレストラン」ですし、“He has a good vibe.” といえば「彼からは良いオーラが出ている(良い雰囲気がでている)」という意味になります。
SLANG the feeling you get from being in a particular place or situation or from being with a particular person:
An atmosphere or aura felt to belong to a person, place or thing.

英語の vibe も スラングだけど、日本語の「バイブス」と違ってチャラい印象はないから心配しなくていいよ。
音声付き例文で vibe の意味と使い方を確認!
Kaori has such a good vibe. I feel good when I’m around her.
He’s giving me a weird vibe lately. Should I ghost him?
Maroon 5’s new song’s got a good vibe to it.
Hey, Joanna. You went to the new restaurant across from the post office, right? Was it any good?
Well, it was pretty good. The service was great and overall it had a good vibe.
Sounds great. I think I wanna try it too.
It’d be perfect it wasn’t for the drinks though. The options are limited and a bit pricy.
Do you ever just listen to a song and wanna cry from the nostalgic vibe you get? Not like you’re sad or anything, but just because it reminds you of something from the past?
Yeah. I’ve been there.
How did it go with Matt? Is there a second date in your future? Hmm? 😉
Nah. I probably won’t go out with him again. We didn’t vibe well.
No chemistry, huh?
There was some drama at the party last night and it totally killed the vibe.
Oh, no. What happened?
Sho got wasted and started fighting with some stranger.
Are you serious?! Again?! ….is the guy okay?
Yeah. The dude was fine. Just (ugh) I am so mad at Sho.
Yeah. He can be a jerk when he drinks. He should learn to lay off the bottle.