

unable to speak or act in the usual way because of having had too much alcohol
Wow…He is totally drunk after only one drink.
Yeah. He really can’t hold his drink. I’ll get him some water.


SLANG very drunk or illfrom drugs
To be EXTREMELY intoxicated from the use of alcohol or drugs.
TGIF! Let’s get wasted!
I got completely wasted last night and don’t remember anything.
There was some drama at the party last night and it totally killed the vibe.
Oh, no. What happened?
Sho got wasted and started fighting with some stranger.
Are you serious?! Again?! ….is the guy okay?
Yeah. The dude was fine. Just (ugh) I am so mad at Sho.
Yeah. He can be a jerk when he drinks. He should learn to lay off the bottle.

One glass of beer is all it takes to get me totally wasted.
What?! You are such a lightweight!
I can’t believe I tried some wine on the first date when I can’t even hold my drink. I got so wasted she got pissed at me.
Hindsight is always 20/20. You’ll know better next time.

Have a good one!